Monday, August 19, 2013

The Army Pulled the Trigger, But The West Loaded the Gun

That is the title of a new article by Brendan O'Neill, editor at Spiked-Online, which details how Western liberals provided the ammunition for inhuman deeds and massacres in the name of "human rights."

Says O'Neill:

"There is 'world outcry' over the behavior of the Egyptian security forces yesterday, when at least 525 supporters of the deceased Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsi were massacred. The killings were ‘excessive’, says Amnesty, in a bid to bag the prize for understatement of the year; ‘brutal’, say various handwringing newspaper editorials; ‘too much’, complain Western politicians.

"Such belated expressions of synthetic sorrow are not only too little, too late (hundreds of Egyptians have already been massacred by the military regime that swept Morsi from power); they are also extraordinarily blinkered. To focus on the actions of the security forces alone, on what they did with their trigger fingers yesterday, is to miss the bigger picture; it is to overlook the question of where the military regime got the moral authority to clamp down on its critics so violently in the name of preserving its undemocratic grip on power. It got it from the West, including from so-called Western liberals and human-rights activists. The moral ammunition for yesterday’s massacres was provided by the very politicians and campaigners now crying crocodile tears over the sight of hundreds of dead Egyptians."

The Western liberals' crocodile tears are just a mere cover-up for the fact that the US national-security state loves the Egyptian dictatorship, as Jacob Hornberger pointed out. Hornberger says that some Americans are "agog at the U.S. government’s indifference to the military coup in Egypt and to the dictatorship’s brutal massacre of peaceful demonstrators. They just don’t get it. The U.S. government loves Egypt’s military dictatorship as much as it loved the Chilean military dictatorship that took power in 1973 and proceeded to rape, torture, or kill tens of thousands of peaceful Chileans."

And let's not forget the persecution of Lynne Stewart (see here, here, and here) for alleged crimes against the U.S.-backed Egyptian military dictatorship and for supporting the Egyptians' right to revolt against it. As the great libertarian entrepreneur and commentator Lew Rockwell said two years ago in a prescient and relevant piece, "it is always an occasion to celebrate when the tyrant is overthrown." That applies even if a worse regime follows it. Even with the mixed to negative results of the French Revolution, it was wonderful that the monarchist regime was booted out despite the evil that Robespierre and the Jacobins brought on. 

So while we may object to the new government that the Egyptians might form in place of the current government, we should still celebrate when a tyrant is overthrown, because, as Thomas Jefferson said in the Declaration of Independence, "when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

Fukushima Apocalypse: An RT Interview with Christina Consolo

On the issue of the Fukushima incident, Russia Today (RT) has decided to interview Christina Consolo on the impending Fukushima apocalypse that will result.

The transcript is available at Be sure to read it, bookmark it, and add to your RSS feed.

1972 vs. 2013: How to Serve A Warrant

Over at, Lt. Harry Thomas contrasts the serving of warrants in 1972 and today.

Says Thomas:

"This past week I was over on trying to convince some hot-headed, patriot-hating young cops that the Constitution is actually the law of the land. I failed. One of them refers to open carriers as “attention whores.” I was denounced as a traitor to law enforcement for insisting that gun owners actually have rights that LEO’s are legally and morally bound to respect.

"It got me thinking about the great gulf that separates the law enforcement profession that I knew as compared to the one that exists today. I never thought I’d be one of those geezers that says, “I just don’t understand this younger generation today!” But the fact is, I am, and I don’t.

Take the time to read this insightful piece and enjoy it.

Why Does A Loving God Send People To Hell?

Today, I would like to recommend a good article from Christian blogger Nolan McNamee entitled "Why Would A Loving God Send A Good Person Like Me to Hell?"

While this is not the be-all, end-all of answers to this probing question, this does a pretty good job.

I especially like Nolan's statement that we, "as human beings, are imperfect. We are not a people of perfect justice, love, grace, and truth. We are sinners. Since God does not sin (because he is perfect) and since he is perfectly just, sin is not found in heaven (Revelation 21:27)." That means that since heaven is perfect, there would be no "good but imperfect" persons (except, of course, for those people who have been washed in the blood of Jesus Christ).

Please send it to those who have this probing question, to both Christians and non-Christians.

Why Bank Secrecy Is Awesome

At today's Mises Daily, Cezary Blasczyck explains why FATCA is a threat to bank secrecy, and ultimately to freedom.

Says Blasczyck:

Among the many recent revelations about American surveillance operations was the fact that, according to Der Spiegel, the U.S. intelligence apparatus “not only conducted online surveillance of European citizens, but also appears to have specifically targeted buildings housing European Union institutions,” Few, if any, of those commenting of late on such affairs mentioned that numerous nations across the globe actually acknowledged the U.S. government’s anti-privacy offensive months before by accepting its Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).
The FATCA legislation attempts to combat bank privacy on many levels and for many reasons including the American state’s desire for more effective tax collecting. According to U.S. tax law, every American taxpayer is obligated to fill out tax forms and pay taxes for their income attained not only on U.S. soil but overseas as well. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) does not distinguish where the taxpayer lives, since U.S. taxation is based on either residency or citizenship.
The author goes on to show that bank secrecy was what helped combat the 20th century dictatorships and that high tax rates—not Swiss bank accounts—is what accounts for tax evasion.
Read the rest here. Enjoy.